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Would you like to be better at delegating?

Would you like to be better at delegating?

Imagine the scene… your diary is jam-packed with client meetings, and you need to finish preparing for a couple of them. A member of your team wants some time with you as they need your input on some client work, before it gets sent out. Your partner is calling you as one of your children forgot their swimming kit and they want to know if you can sort it. And you really need to finish on time today, because you have a social event that you really don’t want to miss. You’re feeling overwhelmed, tense and starting to get a headache!

As business owners (and managers) delegation is a really important skill for us to have. Especially, if we want to avoid overwhelm, exhaustion or, worst case, burnout. Hands up if you’ve been there before…?! Sadly, you’re not alone.

So, what stops us from delegating?

There are many reasons we shy away from delegating and here are just a few:

• We think it’s quicker and easier to do it ourselves than to explain it
• We feel guilty asking someone else to do it and adding to their ‘to do’ list
• We keep hold of specific knowledge as we want to feel indispensable
• We enjoy the work and don’t really want to give it to someone else
• We lack confidence or trust in those we should be delegating to
• We believe that we will do a better job

Who can answer yes to more than one of these…?! The good news is, it doesn’t actually matter what the reason is, we can all learn to delegate more effectively. Not only to avoid overwhelm for ourselves, but also by not delegating effectively our team are missing out on valuable learning opportunities.

Here are 9 ways you can start delegating more effectively to build high-performing teams1.

  1. Know what to delegate – it sounds obvious but not every task on your plate can be delegated. Go through your list and get clear on what only you can do, such as performance reviews etc. Are there tasks you regularly do that would be better placed with a colleague? What tasks could you hand over that will boost your team’s career development? Is there a task that could be a good teachable moment to enhance their knowledge and expertise? It will show you trust and value your team as well as giving you more time to focus strategically.
  2. Focus on your team member’s strengths and goals – every employee should have goals they’re working towards and these are great opportunities to delegate. If they’re responsible for contributing to a revenue goal for example, then delegate sales responsibilities. What areas were identified in their development plan? And what can you delegate to support their growth in this area? Hand over tasks that play to their strengths. When someone has a higher chance of excelling, they’re more motivated and engaged which is great for everyone.
  3. Define the desired outcome – dumping work on someone isn’t delegating. When handing over work, be really clear on exactly what needs completing and by when. What metrics will you use to measure success and what does ‘good’ look like? Resist the urge to tell them how to do it (disempowering) but be specific about the end goal. Be sure they understand the brief to begin with.
  4. Provide the right resources and level of authority – if the person you’re delegating to needs further training, specific resources or increased authority, it’s your role to provide all of these elements. Nobody likes to be set up for failure. Ensure they have all the support they need to complete the task well. And try not to micromanage them as this can be really de-motivating. Enable them to give you regular updates on the project as needed.
  5. Establish a clear communication channel – ensure the person you are delegating to has the opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance if required. Be clear on what you want to know, the level of detail you need and how often. You might want to set up regular meetings, or build them into existing 1-2-1s if they already exist.
  6. Allow for failure – this step is particularly important for us perfectionists who think their way is the only way! Allowing for failure enables experimentation and enables your team to suggest a new approach if failure does occur. Be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.
  7. Be patient – it’s highly likely you have much more experience than the person you’re delegating to. And what would take you 15 minutes could take them an hour the first time they do it. Think back to when you first started. You probably weren’t as efficient then as you are now. Remember the longer-term goal – more time for you to focus strategically and less overwhelm!
  8. Offer feedback both ways – providing quality feedback is something most businesses don’t do enough at and it’s one of the most important factors for building motivation and happiness in your team. Provide positive feedback when you feel a task has been completed well and don’t be afraid to provide constructive feedback when you feel a task wasn’t completed as briefed, to help them grow. Ask you team for feedback too to ensure you are delegating as effectively as possible. What could you do differently in future?
  9. Celebrate success – thank and credit those who have achieved the work, as an individual but also share and celebrate successes as a team. Not only will this help to build a positive culture, it will help make those around you feel more engaged and motivated.

Delegation isn’t easy. It’s a skill that needs to be practiced and learned over time. We will all make mistakes and hopefully we’ll do it differently the next time around. The better we become at delegating the right tasks, to the right people, in the right way the more effective we’ll become as a leaders.


References: 1. Harvard Business School Online resources.


For us, there is nothing better than a happy customer. Here are just a few that let us know how much we mean to them.

Pete Dungey

Simple, efficient and most importantly, hassle-free.

We found Panthera via our search for a Xero expert. We knew the software we wanted to use, and needed a forward-thinking accountancy partner who could get us up and running, and teach us the ropes moving forward. Tory and her team have always been on hand to answer our questions, and help us to grow as a business, particularly during periods of big change, such as becoming VAT registered. They are always on hand to alleviate any concerns and help to keep our records in order, which makes our year-end accounts an absolute breeze! Being based in Bristol, our relationship is entirely email based, alongside one consolidation meeting at year end - this keeps things simple, efficient and most importantly, hassle-free.

Pete Dungey | Kaleido Grafik Limited
Anita van Eijndhoven

Talk Our Language

The support and service we receive from Panthera Accounting is very good. Everything from regular meetings, a prompt e mail response and the transition of our Xero software (which we find very pro active indeed) has and is all remarkably efficient. We find Panthera talk our language and make any process as painless and easy as possible.

Anita van Eijndhoven | Quidne-IT
Ash & Tim Lane

Panthera brush aside the stereotype of the typical accountant

We got in touch with Panthera Accounting by way of a recommendation; we haven't looked anywhere else since. They are an extremely professional yet relaxed group of people. We were slightly daunted by the idea of accountants but Panthera brushed aside y the stereotypes. They are very understanding when answering any questions we may have. They are completely efficient, offer sound business advice, and are fantastically priced. We will continue to recommend them.

Ash & Tim Lane | Starveacre Fencing
Chris Phelan

Panthera goes above and beyond what you’d expect from an accountant. When you need a real financial partner to help develop your business, talk to them. And if you’re committed to fully engaging with them, Panthera can become like an in-house finance department, to help you grow.

Chris Phelan | Paradigm Consulting Ltd
Jayne Johnson

An Asset to my Business!

The whole team at Panthera are great! Working with them has been a huge support to my growing business. They help me to understand the numbers I need to know. They give me technology solutions like Xero so that I can process things quickly and have access to my own figures. They are quick to reply, highly knowledgeable, nothing is too much trouble and as well as making sure that everything is compliant and on time, they are enthusiastic, professional and fun to work with.

Jayne Johnson | Better People
John Baker

Absolute joy - they provide a first class service on every level

Working with Tory and the team at Panthera is an absolute joy - they provide a first class service on every level; from simple Xero issues through to more complicated tax enquiries, they’re always on-hand to help me get it right. I’m certainly not their biggest customer, but I’m always made to feel like their most important one.

John Baker | BKR Solutions
John Castle

Professional and Friendly

I would like to say that Panthera Accounting have helped me with my business accounts for more than 4 years now. They have consistently offered an excellent competitively priced service that works both professionally and in such a friendly way that I would highly recommend them to everyone considering using their services.

John Castle | Ilexanna Limited & Birch Castle Homes Limited
Jonathan Morrison

They are always there to answer queries and sort out issues

I had been with Mr Dunn for 20 years when upon his death Panthera took over the business. They now play a bigger part in the running of my business, they do all the stuff that has to be done but I don't like doing ie book keeping, VAT, wages, and returns. They are always there to answer queries and sort out issues and make sure all Tax deadlines are met. Their costs are fair, service is great and I have and would highly recommend them.

Jonathan Morrison | Wallingford Builders
Pippa Scott

Professional, friendly and personal service.

Panthera Accounting have gone above and beyond the call of duty to guide and support our Company. They offer a professional, friendly and personal service that can take the stressful and sometimes frightening feelings out of running a business. They have guided us through the working of Xero and have offered “teaching sessions” on the day to day running of the accountancy package. Our only regret is that we didn’t join their team earlier.

Pippa Scott | Scott's Commercial Services Limited
Sara Southey

Panthera puts the personal back in to accountancy!

Tory and her team have provided a friendly, approachable and helpful service from the start. They have delivered a quality service, above and beyond anything I could have expected. Panthera, with the help of the Xero package, have taken the stress, strain and confusion out of managing my company and personal accounts. I look forward to working with them for many years to come.

Sara Southey | Bluestones Garden Design
Sue Rizzello

Panthera are simply nicer people to deal with than your average accountant. Alongside delivering solid professional accounting which extends beyond pure figures and into the entire business and life I’m trying to create.

Sue Rizzello | Remedy Services Limited
Tracey Miller

The regular monthly session with Panthera is invaluable. Now we can make really strategic decisions and we know where we need to focus from a sales perspective. Plus, I have visibility, so I don’t have any more sleepless nights.

Tracey Miller | Bigger, Brighter, Bolder Ltd

Moving to Panthera is easy

It’s a big decision to move accountants. We get it. And that’s why we have a clearly defined process in place to make it as straightforward as possible.

Step 1: We have a short initial discovery meeting to understand your needs so we can create the perfect service package for your business

Step 2: You receive your tailored proposal with one simple monthly fee and you e-sign the letter of engagement

Step 3: You provide your current accountant with notice – and you leave the rest to us!

We liaise directly with your previous accountant regarding the transfer of information. We request authority from HMRC to act on your behalf. And we handle as much of the admin as possible, so you can get on with running your business – safe in the knowledge that everything is going on in the background. And if there’s any action for you, we let you know.

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